Coming out swinging!

Frazier Mountain Rally 2017 was the first race of our 2017 season. With a new car, a completely different drive-train layout, and running in a different class, we had a lot to think about.

Our goal for this race was modest: Keep it on the road, learn the new car, and see what we could accomplish. We were not going out gunningĀ for the top spot. This race has tight, twisty roads with huge drop-offs, and trees wider than our car.

The first stage went well. Our driver, Brian, had fun with all of his new found horsepower and co-driver, Andres, kept the notes coming – and kept him on the road. Unfortunately, the team was hit with low visibility due to quickly catching up to the car in front. With the massive amounts of dust, and no room to pass, they were forced to pull back heavily until reaching the end of stage 1. However, the team still came in just 5 seconds behind the fastest 2wd car on the road!

At the end of stage 1 the improvements were blinding. The team had managed to best last years time in the BMW by almost 2 minutes! Before starting stage 2 the organizers re-ordered the field and put the team up 5 spots now starting just 4th on the stage! Feeling confident in the new setup the team decided to push and see what they could do.

Back at service, after stage 2, we heard the news: We were leading 2wd.

For stages 3 and 4 the plan was the same. Go fast, have fun, and see what the car could do. But not take any unneeded risks along the way. After stage 3 the team was in 2nd place in 2wd by 0.6 seconds. We knew this meant one thing; whichever team got down the last stage first would grab 1st place. At the end of stage we recorded identical stage times with the competition. Leaving us just 0.6 seconds from first place. And THAT is racing!

Overall, we placed 2nd in 2wd and 1st in our class (CRS-5). We are extremely happy with the turnout of the event. It was way more than we expected for our first race in the car. And we can’t wait for the next race.

See you at Gorman!