First place after Idaho Rally – 2016

3rd rally of the 2016 season!

After our crew chief and co-driver drove the daunting 900 miles to Idaho, our driver Brian Tullio flew in late Friday night. It was an early start the next morning in the quaint town of Placerville Idaho. We had a rough start with our boys almost going off the side of the mountain, hitting a tree, and shattering the rear and side windows in the process. But after getting back on our feet, we came in second on Saturday. Sunday started a lot better and ended with a blistering time on the last stage of the day beating out our competition by a minute and a half, placing us first on Sunday’s race! Make sure to head over to our media page and check out the pictures of the event.

We are now currently 1st in our class in the California Rally Series!

We are also in 6th place in the Pacific Rally Cup!

We had a blast and look forward to coming back next year. Now onto the next race!